Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Marine Sciences

PhD (Marine ecology), 2018–Date, Department of Ecology and Environmental sciences Stockholm university, Sweden; MSc (Marine Sciences, specialized in Marine and Coastal Resources Management and conservation), 2013–2015, Institute of marine sciences, Univer


OC 101: Biological Oceanography I, Module 4-Marine Zooplankton Ecology, for BSc 1st year


Research interests include Ecology of marine ecosystem, particularly the relationship between fish and their environment, general fisheries science and management, marine zooplankton, aquaculture, life history of fishes, conservation, policy -and Governance of natural resources


  1. Tarimo, B.A., Gullström, M., Winder, M., Björk, M., and Mtolera, MSP. (2017).  Drivers of Fish larvae in mangroves-seagrass seascapes. Funded by Sida bilateral marine science program. Ongoing
  2. Mwaluma, J.M. Kyewalyanga, M.S., Shalli, M.S., Osore, M., Ochiewo, J., Daudi, L., Winder,B.A. Tarimo, M., Gullstrom, M. and de la Torre-Castro, M. (2019). Larval Fish Production and Dispersal in Critical Habitats of the Coastal East Africa. Funded by WIOMSA via MASMA Grant. Ongoing